Sunday, June 27, 2010

U Rul3 FashiOn OR FashiOn Rulex U ??!?!

Ask these question from your self and try to find out the affect of fashion in your life just answer in YES or No 

1. When you pick up a magazine, the first section you read is fashion.

2. You don't wait for the announcement of a sale, before you buy the pair of trousers you have been dying for.

3.If someone wants to become your friend, he/she must conform to your norms of fashion.

4. You bought a t-shirt that you loved, but it hurts when you wear it. You still wear it, because you look great in that.

5.You hear the leaders and you watch them on the screen. You worry more about how they are dressed rather than what they are saying.

6. Your parents may not have a great fashion sense. You avoid getting seen with them in social gatherings.

7. You watch latest movies and shows to find out who is wearing what.


  1. My suggestionx: Now d days Fashion rules our life to a large extent. Try to achieve a balance in life. Do not let fashion affect your social relationships and other things in life. One must be fashionable, but to a limit.

  2. definitely we rule fashion,

  3. fasHioN Is lIkE A sTyLe So kEeP StYlIsH Bt KiNdLy dOnT fOrGet uR lImItzzzzzzzzzz...:)

  4. we rule fashion offcourse
